Question of the Day #1


Hello everyone welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy my ramblings on everything Don Strange of Texas Inc., my family and the crazy life of the off premise catering business.

Question of the day.

What makes a great party?
Answer: You and your guest.

Over the years I have seen some of the most incredible events. All styles, all occasions, some with super sophisticated production and some that were simple, but nice. The one key ingredient is that people came to relax and celebrate. The food, drinks, music, entertainment, décor are all important to complete the theme and concept. “Bells and whistles” are a nice touch. Don’t let them rule your event. Let your guest decide how much fun they are going to have with your “bells and whistles”.

A party has its own beat, life and vibe. Let go, relax and watch your guest have a blast. I promise they will make their own fun with your party.

A couple of years ago we catered two parties that were identical, on paper. They each took just about everything we offer in the way of food, beverage and entertainment. We had the finest menus, signature drinks, live music, rodeo, can-can girls, trick roper and campfire smores. The first group took it all in. They participated in the rodeo, danced with can-can girls, line danced all night with the band. They had a blast.

The next group came along and they had the exact line up. The best of the best. They too had a blast. The only difference was they didn’t care to participate in all the activities. They wanted to sit around a campfire sing songs, eat smores, laugh and visit. Oh, they enjoyed and appreciated all the amenities that were offered. It was how they were spending time with each other that was different.

Each event was very successful because the host was thrilled with our service, but they never tried to control the beat of the party. They decided to relax and let it all happen naturaly.

You and your guest are the key ingredient to a successful event.

Thanks for your time and interest.

Hope to see you soon!

Peace, Brian Strange

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